TEPA End-of-Year Photography Exhibit 2022
TEPA will organize another end-of-year event, but this time it will be
PLEASE SEND YOUR PHOTOS to info@theecolepa.org
We want your photos!
We are accepting 1-2 photos per École student from every family who attends The École.
Must be taken by someone in your family (any age, so yes, children’s photography is welcome!)
Must show a place that is important to your family.
No people in the photo unless unrecognizable and people are not the subject (such as the photo on the left).
It can be a photo taken long ago.
It cannot be a photo found on the internet or stock photo. (it must be taken by someone in your family!)
Have fun and get creative!
Submit 1-2 photos per École student and we will do the rest!
A group of volunteer parents will print the photos and curate an exhibition.
Photos in the exhibition will be for sale and All proceeds will go to the TEPA Scholarship Fund!
Important places might be…
Where you are originally from
Where you lived before NYC
A special vacation or trip you took
It can be a photograph from somewhere in NYC (local photos welcome!)
your photos…
can show the inside or outside of a place
can be taken from far away or be close up
can be easy to understand or abstract
Let’s celebrate!!
our international community!!
our connection to France!!
our local favorites!!